Doctor Who Episodes

All posts in the Doctor Who Episodes category

Craig and the Doctor

Published October 22, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 32

Episodes watched:  71

Today’s Episode:  The Lodger

Writer: Gareth Roberts

So, the Doctor gets kicked off the Tardis, and Amy tries to keep the Tardis alive without him. This episode is “Amy lite” as instead we are given James Corden as Craig, a guy  that is very insecure and just likes things the way they are as a companion to the Doctor.

It was kinda a fun one, trying to watch the Doctor try to blend in..

the lodger not expecting this

The best part was also when he was talking to Amy, and Craig only heard weird snatches of garbleness through the walls, before he knew exactly whom the Doctor was.

This episode was also fun for Matt Smith to show off his soccer skills as he nearly became a professional footballer before a spinal injury made him re-think his career. Funnily enough in the episode his jersey number is 11! Eleventh Doctor, eleventh episode of this season, and it’s the first time he’s ever referred to himself as Eleventh after the head bump with Craig.

The Doctor did do a great job in the end, saving the world again from someone trying to create a Tardis, and helps two people realize that they are in love with each other.

Till tomorrow.. River’s BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

Vincent and gut punch that hits your right in the Feels

Published October 21, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 33

Episodes watched:  70

Today’s Episode:  Vincent and the Doctor

Writer: Richard Curtis

This is the second episode I tell people that are new to the Doctor to watch. It is a great episode all on its own.  I believe this is largely due to the awesome talent that is Richard Curtis that wrote this episode, he’s written Blackaddler, Notting Hill, Love Actually and adapted Bridget Jones’s Diary.  Such good writing!

Most of this episode is also about character development more than the monster of the week. The monster is indeed scary, because only Vincent can see it. Thus irony comes into play when it is discovered that the creature is blind, and the Doctor can’t see it, nor can it see the Doctor that wants to help it. “Sometimes winning is no fun at all.” was what the Doctor says after the poor creature was accidently killed. Although we feel bad for the monster, we also feel for Vincent and his inner monsters, due to his bipolar disorder and his depression. He does fight them… through art. The Doctor does say after he discovers the creature in the painting.. “Art can wait, this is life and death!”

The Doctor and Amy are at their best in this episode, as Vincent has a crush on Amy, so she uses that crush to get him to paint sunflowers and to go along with the Doctor’s plans, however hair brained they may seem.

amy sunflowers

Vincent in return gives awesome speeches…

The DOCTOR, AMY, and VINCENT lie down in the field, heads together. VINCENT reaches first for AMY’S hand and then the DOCTOR’s.

VINCENT: Hold my hand, Doctor. Try to see what I see. We are so lucky we are still alive to see this beautiful world.

The DOCTOR and AMY reach for each other’s hands.

VINCENT: Look at the sky. It’s not dark and black and without character. The black is in fact deep blue. (points with his hand entwined with the DOCTOR’S) And over there, lighter blue. (lets go of AMY’S hand and makes a sweeping motion) And blowing through the blueness and the blackness, the wind swirling through the air and then, shining, burning, bursting through – the stars! (the vision turns to VINCENT’S perception and becomes “Starry Night”) Can you see how they roar their light? Everywhere we look, the complex magic of nature blazes before our eyes.

DOCTOR: I’ve seen many things, my friend. But you’re right. Nothing quite as wonderful as the things you see.

VINCENT grips the DOCTOR’S hand tighter and pulls it to his chest. He looks at AMY’S closer, savoring the feel of her fingers.And the

Doctor in return gives advice..

Van Gog hope

As well as takes him into the future as well to show him how much he will be appreciated…

Van Gogh

With this speech given by the curator, Doctor Black;

DOCTOR: Dr Black, we met a few days ago. I asked you about the church at Auvers.

AMY brings VINCENT closer.

BLACK: Oh, yes. Glad to be of help. You were nice about my tie.

DOCTOR: Yes. And today is another cracker if I may say so. But I just wondered, between you and me, in 100 words, where do you think Van Gogh rates in the history of art?

BLACK: Well, big question. But, to me, Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all.

VINCENT’S eyes are red as he begins to tear up.

BLACK: Certainly, the most popular, great painter of all time, the most beloved. His command of colour, the most magnificent. He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world – no-one had ever done it before. Perhaps no-one ever will again. To my mind, that strange, wild man who roamed the fields of Provence was not only the world’s greatest artist, but also one of the greatest men who ever lived.

VINCENT begins to cry outwardly. The DOCTOR notices and goes to him.

DOCTOR: Vincent. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Is it too much? (gives a comforting hug)

VINCENT: No. They are tears of joy. (goes to BLACK and gives him a Gallic kiss) Thank you, sir. Thank you. (hugs him)

BLACK: You’re welcome. You’re welcome.

VINCENT: Sorry about the beard. (goes back to the DOCTOR and AMY)

BLACK slowly walks away and quickly turns, wondering if the man he saw was truly Van Gogh. The man is gone and BLACK shakes his head.

You are pretty much weeping on the floor after that speech, with this song playing in the background..

And then when they head back to the museum to see if their pictures had any effect on his life.. and Amy’s sadness that he might have forgotten them… the Doctor replies with this amazing line that guts your feels even further..

AMY: So, you were right. No new paintings. We didn’t make a difference at all.

DOCTOR: (walks to her) I wouldn’t say that. The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey. (hugs her) The good things don’t always soften the bad things. But, vice versa – the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. (releases the hug but holds her head) And we definitely added to his pile of good things. And if you look carefully…(takes her to “Church at Auvers”) .. maybe we did indeed make a couple of little changes.

AMY: No Krafayis.

DOCTOR: No Krafayis.

While the DOCTOR studies the church, AMY walks to the center of the exhibit. Something catches her eye and she moves with a purpose across the room. The DOCTOR sees and follows at a distance. In its own alcove rests “Still Life: Vase With Twelve Sunflowers”. On the vase right above his signature it says “For Amy”. The DOCTOR comes up beside her and whistles.

AMY: If we had got married, our kids would have had very, very red hair.

DOCTOR: The ultimate ginger.

AMY: The ultimate ginge.

The DOCTOR laughs and AMY smiles.

AMY: Brighter than sunflowers.

As they stand together looking at the painting, the DOCTOR rubs her back and giver her a quick one-armed hug.


Only to realize that one of the greatest painters did remember and care about them.

I’m off to sooth my feelings with a nice warm hot bath.. till tomorrow when we hang out with James Corden and the Doctor has to pass for human. HA!


Rory Dies Again

Published October 20, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 34

Episodes watched:  69

Today’s Episode:  Cold Blood

Writer: Chris Chinbnall

The only important part of this whole episode happens at the end, everyone runs back into the Tardis but Amy, Rory and the Doctor. Rory gets shot, dies, and then gets erased from time. Amy forgets him! She forgets that she was even engaged to him!

Also The Doctor pulls out a piece of the Tardis from the crack, a corner of the police call box sign on the front. Thus we know the Tardis is what is exploding.

Oh and the Lizard people will try to broker another peace with humanity in another 1,000 years.

That’s all until tomorrow’s awesome episode.. VINCENT AND THE DOCTOR!

Amy gets Eaten by the Earth, thus pissing off Rory

Published October 19, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 35

Episodes watched:  68

Today’s Episode:  Hungry Earth

Writer: Chris Chinbnall

Basic story; the Doctor promised Rio, Amy dressed for Rio. Rory dressed like Rory usually dresses. Sadly they end up in some small welsh village in the middle of nowhere with a big drill. Doctor decides to investigate drill and blue grass. Amy gets sucked into the earth, and the Doctor can’t stop it. Also some guy named Mo gets sucked in too, but before Amy does. Rory, the Doctor and Mo’s family try to set up some defense as 3 creatures are coming up to the surface. They manage to capture one of them, a Sirulian that goes by Alaya. She stupidly uses the “I’m the last of my species” line to the Doctor. (*FACE PALM*) Naturally the Doctor does not believe her but wants to get Amy and Mo back. Thus he and this other lady Nasreen decide to go into the Earth to get them back, leaving Rory and gang up top to keep an eye on Alaya the hostage. The Doctor thinks he’s dealing with a small tribe, until Nasreen sets him straight, as they over look a vast civilization in the middle of the earth. Also, Amy is about to be dissected, as she see’s that it has already happened to Mo.


Yeah. Not much else to report than that. Yeah, boring episode.

10 years

Truth, Lies and Dreams

Published October 18, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 36

Episodes watched:  67

Today’s Episode:  Amy’s Choice

Writer: Simon Nye

This was a great little episode. It solidified Amy’s love for Rory, and it also showed the evil side of the Doctor, through dreams.

The First world, it was kinda obvious it was fake, though Rory wanted it to be real so badly. I swear the mullet gave it away, as Rory is not the type of guy to be sporting one of those. He CANNOT pull it off, and the fact that Amy allow him to grow one is just appalling. The Doctor has the best line in this world..

Amy's choice

Funnily.. Karen loved being “pregnant”…

The second world, I just had to google if a star can burn cold, it turns out, yes it is possible. The problem with having two worlds, is that with this one, they spent more time on this one in the console room debating which one is real. However Amy had the best lines of the evening with this..

AMY: Put these on, both of you. (throws a blanket with a hole cut out at the DOCTOR and slips another over RORY’s head)

RORY: Oh, a poncho. The biggest crime against fashion since lederhosen.

AMY:(puts hers on) Here we go! My boys… my poncho boys. (stands between them)If we’re going to die, let’s die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

folk band


Funny thing in real life, they do lots of singing and call themselves.. “Karen and the Babes”.



Till tomorrow… another two parter!

The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Venice… like nothing bad is gonna happen.

Published October 17, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 37

Episodes watched:  66

Today’s Episode:  Vampires of Venice

Writer: Toby Whithouse

I do wish that Rory and the Doctor had an adventure without Amy.

Seriously.. I’m pissed about this. Moffat could have done one in the next season after Amy gets kidnapped. Those guys are epic together.

Now the main things that made this episode great is Rory’s reaction to stuff.. such as entering the Tardis, discovering that Amy kissed the Doctor, that’s he’s the eunich of the group, the flashlight battle, and his reaction to seeing the Doctor pop out of his cake at the stag party.


Rory has seen the Doctor as his competition for ages, since in the Eleventh Hour he mentioned Amy dressing him up as the Doctor for role playing. Thus after discovering the Doctor is actually real, he has no choice but to study up on his competition, knowing that the Doctor could pop up at any moment.  Thus when entering the Tardis for the first time.. he knows why its bigger on the inside, and thus was the first human to be unfazed by it.

Now the Doctor on the other hand wants Rory and Amy together, because he knows the effects of time travel, which is why they head to Venice to begin with. It’s obvious that the Doctor only views Amy as a friend, and wants her and Rory together.

Sadly the vampires are just fishy aliens…. See how funny it is to see the doctor working it out..


He also meets a bunch of fishy vampire girls, all awaiting their husbands, and this shot is great, because he’s like “Hey! Here I am with all my fangirls!”


Also we learn the Doctor knows Casanova, and the episode does take place in 1580… not 1518.. silly Doctor.


Of course it all worked out in the end, the Doctor saves Venice and Amy gets someone to kiss after the action is over and she’s all turned on..


Till Tomorrow when Amy, apparently has to make a choice.

Time can run out, be re-written and UNWRITTEN!

Published October 16, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 38

Episodes watched:  65

Today’s Episode:  Flesh + Stone

Writer: Stephen Moffat

The best part of the episode was when the Doctor realized the crack was time energy, and manages to throw all the Angels down the crack. All he can figure is that the crack is an explosion, happening somewhere in Amy’s time, but what it is, and what causes it.. he’s clueless.

Also, he made Angel Bob say “Comfy Chairs”. I love how Eleven has Nine’s humor about the tiny things..

We manage to get a SPOILER from River, something about the Pandorica Opening?

The whole cleric army idea was cool, the idea that the church itself is an army, which did happen before if you look at the crusades.

At first I thought the strange scene with the Doctor having his jacket back on was odd, when he clearly loses it to an Angel, and later he doesn’t have it on? Luckily that gets explained away later…

The worst.. Amy kissing the Doctor, and the Doctor declaring he’s 907… NOPE NOPE NOPE! I love how the Doctor has no idea what to do with his hands.. so he just waves them everywhere..

the kiss ew

Also, the death of Father Octavian, did he have to die? I don’t think he did… but Moffat obviously has a thing for killing good characters.

Till tomorrow.. we visit one of my favorite cities in the world.. VENICE!!!!


Look! A Dalek Rainbow!

Published October 14, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 40

Episodes watched:  63

Today’s Episode:  Victory of the Daleks

Writer: Mark Gatiss


This episode had a ton of firsts. The first time we see that boring Amy Pond era intro. The first time we hear the words “Come Along Pond”. The first time we see a Jammie Dodger, which was a smart way to say..”I’ve got a button that will explode the Tardis!”

Jammie Dodger

Now really stupid fans, think that this episode occurred the same time as Empty Child and the Doctor Dances. I have to say… *face palm* that the blitz was over a period of 37 weeks, so there is no way that Nine and Eleven would have met.

Speaking of meeting.. the Doctor finds it a bit odd that Amy knows nothing of the Daleks and the entire RTD era, planets in the sky, the battle of canary wharf, none of that stuff.

Speaking of Amy, they actually had to do a rebuld of the Daleks, since the actress whom plays her is tall, and she had to look eye to eye with it. Billie Pieper is only 5’5” and Karen is 5’11”! (Jenna wins as the shortest companion, at only 5’2”, she’s had to do tons of her acting standing on a block since Matt is as tall as Karen)

Other fun facts.. each color of the new rainbow Daleks had a purpose.   Supreme Daleks were white, the Eternal Dalek was yellow, Strategist Daleks were blue, Scientist Daleks were orange, while Drone Daleks were red. I can see why they did this.. but do we need a Dalek rainbow? No. We do not need one..

Dalek Rainbow

Now, I do think that the Doctor did make the right choice by saving the earth, but the Daleks won. He knows he will have to deal with them again.. but that is another problem for another day.

Till Tomorrow.. we shall meet and olde friend! 🙂

So Eleven can’t stand to see children cry..

Published October 13, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 41

Episodes watched:  62

Today’s Episode:  The Beast Below

Writer: Stephen Moffat

So Moffat has his hand in writing his first episode with a poem..

In bed above or deep asleep, while greater love lies further deep.

This dream must end, this world must know.

We all depend on the beast below.

Thus this isn’t one of my favorite episodes. However it does take place in the 29th century, well after the End of the World.

The good:

  • Liz X, the most badass Queen ever. Long may she regin!
  • This conversation.. that had me laughing.. YEAH RIGHT DOCTOR!


DOCTOR: Well, come on. I’ve found us a spaceship. This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. All of it, bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It’s Britain, but metal. That’s not just a ship, that’s an idea. That’s a whole country, living and laughing and shopping. Searching the stars for a new home.

AMY: Can we go out and see?

DOCTOR: Course we can. But first, there’s a thing.

AMY: A thing?

DOCTOR: An important thing. In fact, Thing One. We are observers only. That’s the one rule I’ve always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets.

(Sorry, nearly spat my tea over my keyboard. An image of Mandy waiting by the lifts is on the scanner.) 

DOCTOR: Ooo, that’s interesting.

AMY: So we’re like a wildlife documentary, yeah? Because if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can’t just save it, they’ve got to keep filming and let it die. It’s got to be hard. I don’t think I could do that. Don’t you find that hard, being all, like, detached and cold?

(Amy sees the Doctor on the scanner, speaking to the weeping Mandy.) 

AMY: Doctor?

(He gestures for her to join him.)


  • Also,look at the name of this shop! A tribute to the Idiots Lantern!


  • After the voting.. lordy.. this had me laughing.. the great interaction between Karen and Matt…

AMY: Where are we?

DOCTOR: 600 feet down, 20 miles laterally – puts us at the heart of the ship. I’d say… Lancashire. What’s this, then – a cave? Can’t be a cave. Looks like a cave.

AMY: (stands) It’s a rubbish dump, and it’s minging! (throws a piece of rubbish)

DOCTOR: Yes, but only food refuse. (sniffs) Organic, coming through feeder tubes from all over the ship.

AMY: (gets down on hands and knees) The floor’s all squidgy, like a water bed.

DOCTOR: But feeding what, though?

AMY: It’s sort of rubbery, feel it. Wet and slimy.

The DOCTOR hears a distant moaning and stands. He realizes where they are.

DOCTOR: Er… It’s not a floor, it’s a… (puts screwdriver away) So…

AMY: (stands) It’s a what?

DOCTOR: The next word is kind of the scary word. Take a moment. Get yourself in a calm place. (takes her hands) Go “omm”.

AMY: Omm.

DOCTOR: It’s a tongue.

AMY: A tongue?

DOCTOR: (excited) A tongue. A great big tongue.

AMY: (stunned) This is a mouth? This whole place is a mouth? We’re in a mouth?!

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, but on the plus side, roomy.

AMY: How do we get out?

DOCTOR: (takes out screwdriver) How big is this beastie? It’s gorgeous! Blimey! if this is just the mouth, I’d love to see the stomach. (hears grunting) Though not right now.

AMY: Doctor, how do we get out?

DOCTOR: OK, it’s being fed through surgically implanted feeder tubes, so the normal entrance is… (sees the sharp teeth of a closed mouth) closed for business.

AMY: We can try, though. (heads forward)

DOCTOR: No! Stop, don’t move! (mouth heaves in agitation) Too late. It’s started.

AMY: What has?

DOCTOR: Swallow reflex.

They slip and fall back into the refuse. The DOCTOR uses the screwdriver on the mouth walls.

AMY: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: I’m vibrating the chemo-receptors.

AMY: Chemo-what?

DOCTOR: The eject button.

AMY: How does a mouth have an eject button?

DOCTOR: Think about it!

They hear the creature growl, and, on their knees, look to see a wave of bile coming towards them.

DOCTOR: Right, then. (straightens tie) This isn’t going to be big on dignity. Geronimo!

Now onto the bad..

  • The whole, very old very last of its kind routine. Yes we know the Doctor is old. Comparing him to a star whale though? I’m just not getting that at all. It just seemed too deus ex machina for me.
  • The” Smilers” really didn’t serve a point other than to make the Queen paranoid due to her younger self creating them. Not a big fan of this pointless “monster”.
  • Moffat’s poem at the end. Really not needed. We could have just had music and seen the crack, aka this season’s arc, that will apparently be solved during the 50th Anniversary, as Moffat has promised this.



Thus till tomorrow.. where visit Winston Churchill and have Daleks, according to the title!

The Girl in the Fireplace Take II

Published October 12, 2013 by joscasta

Days left till the 50th: 42

Episodes watched:  61

Today’s Episode:  Eleventh Hour

Writer: Stephen Moffat

Ahhh! New Doctor, New THEME! Bye blue… I loved you for 10, but for 11.. gotta go green!

I love this episode, it’s a great introduction of Matt Smith’s version of the Doctor, as well as a new companion in Ameilia Pond, and a new showrunner in Stephen Moffat, whom will now only be referred to as MOFFAT!!!!

The opening is great, as the Tardis is crashing over London and nearly hits Big Ben, CREDITS!

We then see a little girl, who’s praying to Santa.

Santa Prayer

Young Amelia: Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls, and the pencils, and the fish. It’s Easter now, so I hope I didn’t wake you, but… honest, it is an emergency.

(Young Amelia is in her room, kneeling beside her bed, hands together as if she is praying. She glances over to her left, at the wall.)

Young Amelia: There’s… a crack in my wall. Aunt Sharon says it’s just an ordinary crack, but I know it’s not, because… at night there’s voices. So please, please could you send someone to fix it. Or a policeman. Or…

(The sound of the TARDIS materialising, not far away. Suddenly it’s interrupted by a huge crashing from Amelia’s garden.)

Young Amelia: Back in a moment.

(She gets up, darts to the window. The TARDIS has landed on its side right where her shed once stood; the shed now simply a mess of broken wood all around. Amelia looks towards the sky.)

Young Amelia: Thank you, Santa.

She then runs down to meet this guy… as he pops out of the Tardis begging for apples! HUH? She decides to take him inside and feeds him, and this awesome exchange occurs..

Young Amelia: If you’re a Doctor, why does your box say police?

(The Doctor takes an apple from her, looking slightly affronted; sniffs it, takes a bite, chews it once or twice, and then lazily spits it out, not taking his eyes off Amelia. She looks quite taken aback as the piece flies past her, looking at him as he coughs slightly, holding up the apple.)

Doctor: That’s disgusting. What is that?

Young Amelia: An apple.

Doctor: Apple’s rubbish, I hate apples.

Young Amelia: You said you loved them.

Doctor: No, no, no, I’ll have yoghurt! Yoghurt’s my favourite. Gimme yoghurt.

(Amelia runs to the fridge, gets out a yoghurt. Eleven takes it from her eagerly, rips the lid off, drinks a bit – then projects it quite far across the room. Amelia looks a little disgusted, staring at him with yoghurt on his face.)

Doctor: I hate yoghurt, it’s just stuff! With bits in.

Young Amelia: You said it was your favourite!

Doctor: New mouth. (He wipes a hand across his mouth, smearing the yoghurt around.) New rules. It’s like eating after cleaning your teeth, everything tastes WROOOOO-

(He jerks again, still feeling the regeneration, flinging his hand up to slap his forehead as he straightens up once more.)

Young Amelia: What is it? What’s wrong with you?

Doctor: Wrong with me? It’s not my fault. Why can’t you give me any decent food? You’re Scottish, fry something.

(Series of clips as she puts the gas on, he rubs his hair with a towel, she fries some bacon for him.)

Doctor: Bacon!

(He takes a mouthful, starts chewing; she giggles, and he makes a disgusted face and spits it out again into his hand.)

Doctor Bacon. That’s bacon. (He leans towards her seriously.) Are you trying to poison me?

(She just stares at him. Another few quick clips, same again, only this time she’s making beans.)

Doctor Ahh. You see? Beans.

(He tries them, then they’re quickly spat out into the sink.)

Doctor: Beans are evil. Bad bad beans.

(Next clips: She spreads some bread and butter for him.)

Doctor: Bread and butter. Now you’re talking.

(She slides it across the table to him; next shot, he’s stepping outside the back garden, and frisbees the plate away from the house, hearing it crash in the distance. Possibly into a cat.)

Doctor: And stay out!

(He brushes his hands, and goes back inside. Pacing up and down the kitchen, Amelia’s looking into the fridge for him.)

Young Amelia: We’ve got some carrots.

Doctor(stops pacing, turns to look at her.) Carrots? Are you insane?! No, wait, hang on. I know what I need.

(He heads to the freezer, opens it and starts poking around.)

Doctor I need… I need…. I need… I. Need. (He pulls out two boxes) Fish fingers, and custard.

(They’re both sitting at the table; he’s dipping his fish fingers into a bowl full of custard, she’s opposite him digging into a large tub of ice cream, watching as he lifts the entire bowl and drinks some custard, leaving him with a rather fetching custard moustache. He wipes it away.)

fish fingers

Now, he’s not really eating fish.. Smith has confessed that he’s eating bread and custard. Now I have actually had fish fingers and custard, and it wasn’t half bad.

Back to the episode, they go upstairs, where he sees the room and remarks that she’s “had some cowboys in here”.. the EXACT same line that 10 told Madame when he was rummaging about her brain.

He has no idea what the crack is, other than it’s a crack in time and space. He opens it, and discovers that “Prisoner Zero Has Escaped” is the theme for this evening. Just as he’s figuring things out.. the TARDIS’s cloister bell tolls. So he tells little Amelia that he will be back in 5 minutes.

So, she goes up stairs, packs a bag, runs back downstairs and waits….

Back into daylight, and the Doctor runs out of the Tardis back inside the house, yelling for Amelia the entire time, alas he gets hit by a cricket bat.

Then a scene in a hospital, regarding coma patents, boring.

The Doctor then wakes up to see a lovely young policewoman, calling for ”backup”. We then learn it has been 6 months, since the Doctor left, and prisoner zero is behind a door on the floor, a multiform. So the policewoman enters the room where the prisoner has been hiding, and finds his sonic up on the table, and meets prisoner zero.   Then just as he’s  about to kill the policewoman and the Doctor, the jailers make an announcement, “Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be  incinerated.” over and over again.

The Doctor and the police woman manages to escape.. and they run back to the Tardis, and he relizes that he has been gone a hell of a lot longer than six months, he guesses 12 years. He then figures out that the policewoman is the little girl!

Doctor: You’re Amelia.

(She continues walking, and he catches up to her.)

Amelia Pond: You’re late.

Doctor: Amelia Pond! You’re the little girl!

Amelia Pond I’m Amelia, and you’re late!

Doctor: What happened?!

Amelia Pond Twelve years.

Doctor: You hit me with a cricket bat!

Amelia Pond Twelve years!

Doctor: A cricket bat!

Amelia Pond: Twelve years, and four psychiatrists.

Doctor:: …Four?

Amelia Pond …I kept biting them.

Doctor: Why? (He obviously finds this vaguely hilarious.)

Amelia Pond They said you weren’t real.

Suddently, its like they are being stalked by the message, and the Doctor deduces that its playing everywhere over every radio station and channel, once he breaks into someone’s house that knows Ameilia, only he learns that she now goes by Amy, and that he has 20 minutes before the planet gets  incinerated.

They go outside and he meets Rory, Amy’s boyfriend. Rory works as a nurse and he realizes that Rory has been taking pictures of his coma patients, which are the clockwork droids of this episode.

He then destroys his sonic trying to get the Atraxi’s attention to the prisoner that is standing there in multiform. Damn it. 17 minutes, no sonic, no Tardis. He then mulls it over and then comes up with a way, and takes Rory’s phone away from him.  Amy gets pissed.. and does this…

Amy Locks the Doctor

Which is why I have this very strong belief that’s why 11 doesn’t wear a tie, so Amy can’t do that to him again.

He begs her to believe him… she does, once she sees the apple that she gave him when she was a child, 12 years before, and it’s still fresh.

He then bursts back into the house he broke into before demanding Jeff’s laptop.. while Amy and Rory hit the hospital.

This is so funny how he writes this computer virus and begs people to spread it..

Doctor: Hello! Laptop. Gimme.

(He crosses the room and tries to prise the laptop away from Jeff, who’s trying to cover the screen, and keep it away from the Doctor.)


Jeff: No no no no no-
Doctor: No – it’s – fine – give – it – here-
Jeff: Hang on!!

(The Doctor snatches it from him, and sits down on the edge of the bed, then looks at the screen. Jeff looks over his should warily, as the Doctor’s eyes widen.)

Doctor:….Blimey! Get a girlfriend, Jeff.

(Jeff’s grandmother enters.)

Jeff: Gran!

Gran: What are you doing?

Doctor: Sun’s gone wibbly, so right now, somewhere out there, there’s gonna be a big old video conference call. All the experts in the world, panicking at once, and d’you know what they need? Me. Ah, and here they all are. All the big boys. NASA, Jodrell Bank, Tokyo Space Center, Patrick Moore.

Gran: Oh! I like Patrick Moore!

Doctor: I’ll get you his number, but watch him, he’s a devil.

Jeff: You can’t just hack in on a call like that!

Doctor: Can’t I?

(Throughout this exchange he’s been hurriedly typing; abruptly he stops, and holds his psychic paper up to the webcam on the top of the computer. On the laptop screen are six different boxes, each with a different person representing a different place. Evidently the psychic paper has worked somehow, because a voice comes from the laptop.)

Unidentified Voice: Who are you?

Unidentified Voice: This is a secure call, what are you doing?

Doctor: Hello. Yeah, I know, you should switch me off, but before you do, watch this.

(This bit’s a little complicated, cause there’s about seven people talking at once. I’ll try to do the best I can with the fragments I can distinct.)

Unidentified Voice: It’s him!

Patrick Moore: -I know, I’m getting-

(The Doctor starts to type, rapidly, obviously showing them at the same time just what he’s doing.)

Doctor: Fermat’s Theorem, the proof, and I mean the real one, never been seen before, poor Fermat got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault. I slept in. Oh, and here’s an oldie but a goodie, why electrons have mass, and a personal favourite of mine, faster than light travel with two diagrams and a joke.(He stops typing.) Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I’m a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas – pay attention.

(The mini is racing along the road, about as fast as minis really go, as it speeds to the hospital. It pulls up at the front, where a crowd has gathered, of mostly doctors, patients and nurses. Amy and Rory get out quickly and head inside.)

(Back at Jeff’s house, and the Doctor is now typing on Rory’s phone again.)

Unidentified Voice Sir! What are you doing?!

Doctor: I am writing a computer virus, very clever, super fast, and a tiny bit alive, but don’t let on. And why am I writing it on a phone? Never mind. You’ll find out. Okay, I’m sending this to all your computers. Get everyone who works for you sending this everywhere. Email, text, FaceBook, Bebo, Twitter, radar dish. Whatever you’ve got, any questions?

Amy and Rory manage to get into the hospital ward, and meet the Prisoner! They run away! Good job companions! The Doctor arrives, and the clocks get reset back to zero  due to the virus which originated from Rory’s cell phone that has the pictures of the multiforms. I hate how he says.. “What is the the word? The word is ZERO!” So annoying as I thought BIRD WAS THE WORD!!!

who da man

The Doctor decides NEVER to use that line again. However the multiform decides to change into Amelia as a child, one picture that is not on the phone. Since there is a psychic link, the Doctor yells at Amy to dream about the prisoner that she saw in the room, and WOAH! The Prisoner changes back to its orginal form, and the Atraxi take off.

Then the Doctor decides to make a phone call, telling the Atraxi to come back, and of course cites the Shadow Proclamation at them. Rory.. has the best line of the ENTIRE episode with..  “Uh, did he just bring them back?  Did he just save the world from aliens, and then bring all the aliens back again?!” Gotta love stating the obvious!

So then, the Doctor hits the hospital changing rooms.. and decides that he needs new clothes, as he’s still in the clothes that he wore when he was 10. Amy is just loving it.. and Rory just goes along with what the Doctor is doing, but turns his back.

Then up on the roof of the hospital comes this epic speech..

Doctor: Leaving is good. Never coming back is better. (pause, before he starts to yell up at the Atraxi ship.) Come oooooooon then! The Doctor will see you now!

(The eye in the center of the Atraxi ship is suddenly released, and zooms down to rest right in front of the Doctor, evidently examining him. A blue light flares out, and starts to scan him. The Doctor waits patiently for it to finish before he then pull up his braces.)

Atraxi: You are not of this world.

Doctor: No, but I’ve put a lot of work into it. (He fiddles about with the new ties, trying to decide which one works best. Of course.) Umm… uhh… I dunno. (He holds one up) What do you think?

Atraxi: Is this world important?

Doctor: Important?! What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, is that important? Here’s a better question: is this world a threat to the Atraxi?(Through this, he’s picking off random ties and flinging them backwards – they always manage to hit Amy or Rory.) Come on, you’re monitoring the whole planet. Is this world a threat?

(The same blue light streaks outward from the pupil of the eye once more, not scanning him this time, but creating a hologram of a globe. The globe flicks through different images from Earth’s transmission history, including nuclear explosions, wars, armies… and religions, praying, caring.)

Atraxi: …No.

Doctor:  Are the people of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?

(Flicking through more images, of street carnivals, crowds, costumes.)

Atraxi: No.

Doctor: Okay! One more, just one. (pause) Is this world protected?

(More images – a Cyberman smashing through a window. A group of Cybermen. The Daleks spitting outward from the Genesis Ark. The Empress of the Racnoss. The Ood. The Sycorax. The Sontarans. The Silurians (I think. Fish looking people.) The Reapers. The Hath. And all the while over this, the Doctor is speaking.)

Doctor: Cause you’re not the first lot to have come here. Oh, there have been SO many. And what you’ve got to ask is… what happened to them?

(He steps out of shot, still fiddling with his tie, as the Atraxi globe flicks through only ten more images. Doctors the First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. As it gets to Ten, Eleven steps through the hologram, a curious smile on his face and his full costume on, including bow-tie and jacket, and the hologram abruptly disappears.)

Doctor: Hello. I’m the Doctor. (Pause. He gives a small breath of laughter.) Basically. (pause) Run!

During this whole scene.. I AM THE DOCTOR plays in the background,  giving power to the words the Doctor says, making the Atraxi skeddale as fast as possible. The Doctor feels something burning in his pocket.. THE TARDIS IS READY !!! Runs off again he does, leaving Amy and Rory behind AGAIN.

He then shows up what he thinks is just a few hours later as the sun has set, to Amy… dressed in a nightgown. Sadly for her, even more time has passed. TWO YEARS! The Doctor is like, FINE, 14 years you have waited long enough… let’s go!  Thus she leaves everything in the middle of the night, and we pan back into her house, where we clearly see a wedding gown in her closet, and she asks to be back in time for something happening the following morning.

And they are off! Well there is this deleted scene where the Doctor explains the Tardis to Amy…

Welcome aboard the Tardis 11! You did a great job on your first outing!

Until tomorrow, Queens and beasts.